Some of our young musicians performed at Langton Church at the Christmas Tree Festival….
Our next project is another visit by professional musicians into school assemblies. A brass ensemble - Conical Sonicals - will tour the area in September, playing to whole-school assemblies as the first stage of our ‘Inspire, Encourage and Develop’ initiative, where a special performance leads to offers of beginner group placements, and instrumental lessons.
Local young musicians recently showed the talent that exists in Purbeck at a joyous evening of music making at the Mowlem Theatre, Swanage on 3rd July. A concert organised by Purbeck Youth Music showcased talented players, school choirs, groups and soloists. We were treated to performances by new ensembles of brass, woodwind and violins, most of whom have been learning instruments for less than a year.
Along with the choirs and soloists, it was rewarding to watch the new groups which have formed since the expansion of instrumental teaching in our Purbeck primary schools. There was a brass group made up of children who have been learning for less than a year; a similar woodwind group and a Traditional Fiddlers group which has only been working together for a few months. They all played with great concentration and took bows amid much applause. The faces of the students playing and singing showed such concentration as they played and sang for their families and friends.
On June 4th we gathered at Sandy Hill Arts, behind the station in Corfe Castle, to celebrate our special guest Tony Viney, along with family members and many of his long-standing local friends from the musical and artistic community.
Tony had recently donated to Purbeck Youth Music a considerable sum from the proceeds of the sale of his Camillus Camilli violin; this was a chance for all involved to extend their thanks and appreciation for his support.
The sun shone….it was almost hot…there was shade under a gazebo and a wonderful semi marquee behind which a crowd of excited young folk fiddlers hid before bursting in to make their appearance in a public performance for the very first time.
After the telling of the story of Tony's violin, out they came with Matt, their patient teacher, and they all lined up to play a simple rhythmic folk tune in many parts. All by ear. Not a sheet of music in sight. Their concentration was terrific and they watched and listened so carefully and all ended with a flourish at the same time! They took a bow and everyone clapped so much they had to play an encore and the audience smiled and laughed and clapped again and it was magical.
And so the Camillus Camilli Project was brought to life on that sunny afternoon. Thank you Tony.
Afterwards there was tea and cake and lots of chattering groups, happy children and proud parents.
An afternoon to remember.
For more information about the special violin, which Tony played for almost 80 years, please click here.
In September we wrote to all 9 Primary Schools between Swanage and Wool, and offered the opportunity to take part in a Singing Schools Project, led by Susannah Nettleton. This involves Susannah going into each school for 2 afternoons, about 2 to 3 weeks apart, and teaching Years 3 & 4 five songs, three to be sung by all, and one individual one for each year group. The song structures include call and response, canon, verse and chorus, with singing in unison and harmony. At the end of the 2nd session, a short concert is put on either for parents or for other classes to listen to. The class teachers are very much involved, both in working with Susannah and with continuing to work on the songs during the intervening weeks between her visits. Three schools have competed the project this term (Swanage Primary, St George’s Langton and Wool CofE) and three more are booked in for next term, with a 4th agreeing dates as I write. The sessions have been very popular, with excellent feedback from the staff and pupils at the schools visited so far.
Summer Term 2023
Earlier in the year we were fortunate to find Matt Tarling, making the most of the recent Camillus Camilli fund recently donated to Purbeck Youth Music by Tony Viney for strings teaching. Beginner groups for violin have started for 30 young players in the Purbeck area.
Spring Term 2023
Funded by Swanage & Purbeck Rotary, Tammy Sullivan and Lydia Bennett visited all of the Purbeck primary schools at the start of the year, demonstrating flute, oboe, saxophone and clarinet to whole-school assemblies. Beginner group lessons started after half term, and from that many have continued to have lessons with Tammy Sullivan and Jemma Clunies-Ross.
The Brass Initiative continues to provide individual lessons, and PYM funding the start-up of brass ensembles now being held regularly at the URC and at schools in Swanage, run by Joe Arnold and Gary Austin.
Plans for Strings are developing - we have now found two violin tutors after 12 months of searching!
September 2022
Individual and small-group brass lessons continued throughout the term as our Brass Tutors established lesson plans for all the brass students who wanted to continue.
March 2022
After a series of presentations by professional brass players Joe Arnold (ENO) and Robb Tooley (BSO), we now have nearly 90 (yes 90!) youngsters expressing interest in learning an instrument. We subsequently ran a series of brass beginner groups for 70 budding young players across Purbeck, with many signing up to continue lessons.
February 2022
Since last October our first 3 beginner groups have resulted in 12 new pupils learning instruments!
September 2021
PYM Ambassadors appointed: This is a new initiative, and we are delighted that 3 outstanding musicians from Purbeck currently studying music have agreed to take on this role. They are Lydia Bennett (Oxford University), Miro Treharne (Trinity Laban Conservatoire of Music and Dance), and Sally Aiko Dando (Royal College of Music). We hope that over the coming months they will be linked with local schools to perform, demonstrate and inspire all of our younger musicians.
PAW and PYM Young Musicians Concert gave an opportunity for several young musicians to perform. The musicians included Purbeck Youth Choir, Amelia Seaman, Oscar Brady, the Jazz Knots, Amy Jerman, Buzz Barnes, Nick Aiko Dando and Reuben Bennett.
Holywell Trio - 3 students in their final year reading music at Oxford University : Ewan Millar (oboe), Katherine Lewington (clarinet) and Lydia Bennett (bassoon) visited local schools (The Purbeck School, Corfe Castle, St George’s, St Mark’s, St Mary’s and Swanage Primaries) to perform and demonstrate to the pupils.
July 2021
String demonstrations and hands-on classroom sessions - primary schools. Alison Kay (BSO, viola) brought 3 advanced violin and viola students to play to children in Corfe Castle and Swanage Primary schools, while 2 Dorset Music Service teachers played to children at St Mark’s and St George’s, and Karen Dando and her daughter Sally played to children at St Mary’s, assisted by Lily Fawcett, a young violinist in Year 3.
June 2021
Strings demonstrations and workshops, Swanage primaries.
March 2020
Start of Pandemic, very limited access to schools.
January 2020
Masterclass with Miranda Fulleylove at the Swanage School.
March 2020
PYM registered as a Charitable Incorporated Organisation (CIO).
October 2019
Schools Music Day hosted by musicians from the Bournemouth Symphony Orchestra.
September 2019
PYM funded beginner classes in violin at Corfe Castle and St George’s primaries, and a cello group at St Mary’s Primary. Sadly these were disrupted by the pandemic, but the initiative will continue.
April 2019
PYM formed as a group of concerned individuals, representing various Purbeck organisations.
Financial support for violin & cello lessons
We also support, annually
Rotary Young Musician Competition
Purbeck Art Weeks
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