Instruments and Lessons

To contribute towards the new round of Brass or Violin Taster Groups at £2.50 per session, please click ‘Payments’ below..

More information - Click a blue box to apply or enquire:

Instrument Loans

Instruments are provided with a Loan Scheme for those undertaking lessons, for just £23 per annum, and a further £3 for any additional siblings.  Click above to apply for an instrument.

Beginner Groups 

To encourage those first steps to learning an instrument, PYM arranges beginner group lessons for Brass, Woodwind and Strings, when teaching staff are available.  Parents contribute as little as £5 towards a series of groups, which are then followed by discounted lessons for smaller groups or individuals.  Click above to apply for more details.


We also now run small ensembles: brass, woodwind and strings, providing regular opportunities to play and perform together.


We have tutors now for most instruments, including brass, strings and woodwind.


Groups and ensembles are subsidised by PYM; we ask only for a small contribution towards the cost of engaging a professional tutor, venue and a loan instrument.

Click below to contribute towards Instrument Loans, Taster Sessions, Beginner Groups and Ensembles

Please enquire.

Purbeck Youth Music is a Registered Charity Number: 1190008

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